Grace Mbuga's God-given vision is to provide un- and underemployed women in Nyeri County with opportunities to empower themselves in the workforce using the love of Jesus Christ as a guide. As of July, Grace is a full-time partner in Teleios and leader of the new Women's Empowerment Program, which is being overseen by LCI's Bernard, Robert, and Charles.
The ultimate goal of this program is to create a group of Christian women who have been (and currently are) successful local business owners who can provide encouragement and guidance to the aspiring businesswomen.
Already, Grace has led a business forum in conjunction with LCI and hosted an Employment Information Fair in order to help local women see what opportunities are available to them. We're very excited because the fair connected Grace with six women who have visions of their own and are ready to get started.
Visit our Current Projects page for details about the work God is doing in the lives of these women.