Life Empowerment For Transformation (LEFTI)
LEFTI is a Kenyan non-profit led by Bernard Kabaru Mwangi and Robert Muteithia and dedicated to improving the lives of orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) in the community by allowing them to remain with their families and in their homes while aid and vital resources are given so that they can receive food and an education.
Primary missions include bringing accessible water to the area, helping families become self-sufficient through the donations of goats, chickens, and kitchen gardens, and specific ministry to widows with vulnerable children.
Facilitate the wholistic (spiritual, emotional, social, physical, and academic/intellectual/skills) formation of Orphans and Vulnerable Children through provision of quality care and support throughout their formative years by coming alongside proven local churches and institutions to provide the necessary family environment that is critical to this formation.
Facilitate the breaking of the cycle so prevalent amongst OVC families of poverty, illiteracy, lostness, teenage pregnancy, school dropout, vulnerability to HIV, rebellion, alcohol and drug abuse, physical-emotional abuse, etc.
Raise a pool of empowered and transformed men and women who will become role models and mentors in the community with a testimony of overcoming the depressing realities of vulnerability due to being orphaned, abused, neglected, abled differently, or raised in poverty.
Provide opportunities to willing partners for investing in mutually life empowering and transforming experiences as an OVC undergoes the wholistic formations.
Five-Fold Formation of the Child
1. Spiritual Formation
The core of any long-term empowerment and transformation, the child will know Christ as personal savior and Lord and be engaged in church, walk in ways that glorify Christ, and seek to discover his or her purpose in Christ and industriously pursue that purpose.
2. Academic Formation
Long term transformation is greatly enhanced when an OVC has the opportunity to get quality education, which is the key to not only overcoming poverty, but also empowers the child with the necessary knowledge and skills to address life challenges.
3. Physical Formation
Ensure that every OVC child's physical needs including food, closing, shelter, and health are met.
4. Emotional Formation
Vulnerability comes with great wounds, hurts, and heart aches, and many OVC have suffered and continue to suffer significant psychological trauma in their family of origin. LEFTI provides support for healthy emotional formation, including family counseling, life skills development, helping to develop a healthy Christ-centered self-worth and self-esteem in each child, and seeking the appropriate and immediate government intervention if necessary.
5. Social Formation
Vulnerability has major social realities (rejection, withdrawals, etc), and disrupts the realization of the need to belong.